Celebrating 25 Years Of Theatre Excellence

Celebrating 25 Years Of Theatre Excellence

Dear Friends of Woodinville Repertory Theatre, We are thrilled to announce that this year, 2023, marks a significant milestone in our journey – the 25th Anniversary Season of Woodinville Repertory Theatre. Since our inception in 1998, Woodinville Repertory Theatre has...
Our Angel Street Production Highlighted Domestic Abuse

Our Angel Street Production Highlighted Domestic Abuse

Cast from Woodinville Rep’s production of Angel Street: Asher Wheeler (Cop1), Jag (Jack Manningham), Freja Jorgensen (Nancy), Teri Thomas (Elizabeth), Savannah Kinzer (Bella Manningham), Patrick Hogan (Detective Rough), Farid Abuid (Cop2) Photo by Sandro Manzel...

Why Now?

Throughout civilization, storytelling and live theater have preserved history; uplifted, inspired, and provided a respite from troubled times. Of course, these days we have all sorts of distractions available, from streaming services to the black holes of social media...
And . . . Scene – A Year into the Pandemic

And . . . Scene – A Year into the Pandemic

It’s hard to take in: More than a year since normal life around the world came to a screeching halt. Last March, Broadway went dark along with every other performing arts organization. As you know, the Woodinville Repertory Theatre suddenly found itself shuttered...